Faux Stained Glass - 3D Printed
5.8K Views, 141 Favorites
KINETIC COASTERS With a TWIST! Laser or 3D Printable
14K Views, 124 Favorites
28K Views, 428 Favorites
Modular & Expandable Bluetooth Speaker System
15K Views, 213 Favorites
Recycled Spool Smart Lamp - With Sound Reactivity, MQTT, Hue & Alexa
8.7K Views, 110 Favorites
Designing Your Own Desktop LED Neon Shapes in Fusion 360
7.4K Views, 147 Favorites
Make Your Own Customisable Desktop LED Neon Signs / Lights
65K Views, 710 Favorites
3D PRINT a STEAM TRAIN 🚂 With Live Camera Streaming and Wifi Controls
51K Views, 318 Favorites
Build a Super-sized Expandable Seven Segment Display
70K Views, 91 Favorites
WeatherBot - a Motorised Weather Machine | 3D Printable, ESP32 & OpenWeatherMap
11K Views, 190 Favorites
3D Print Your Own Nanoleaf Project - Alexa, Hue and App Integration
50K Views, 575 Favorites
Easily Build a MACHINE THAT DESTROYS WHAT IT CREATES - Kinetic Sand Art Table
95K Views, 904 Favorites
DIY Super Smart Chessboard | Play Online or Against Raspberry Pi
44K Views, 238 Favorites
RC Arduino Domino Layer With Bluetooth App Control
36K Views, 320 Favorites
DIY Interactive Animated Pumpkins - 3D Printed | Raspberry Pi
20K Views, 143 Favorites
Easy 3D Printed Arduino CNC Drawing Machine
39K Views, 421 Favorites
Crimping Dupont Connectors
10K Views, 66 Favorites
How to Build a Giant Hidden Shelf Edge Clock
94K Views, 1,314 Favorites
Arduino Wedding Photo Booth - 3D Printed Parts, Automated and Low Budget
24K Views, 180 Favorites
Ultimate Dry Ice Fog Machine - Bluetooth Controlled, Battery Powered and 3D Printed.
48K Views, 204 Favorites
Automatic Garden Waterer | 3D Printed | Arduino
17K Views, 188 Favorites
Simon Says Game - 3D Printable | Arduino Nano | DIY Project
21K Views, 90 Favorites
Automatic Smart Plant Pot - (DIY, 3D Printed, Arduino, Self Watering, Project)
40K Views, 188 Favorites
YouTube Subscriber Counter - Solderless, 3D Printable, Wall / Monitor Mountable
5.4K Views, 37 Favorites
TCRT5000 Infrared Reflective Sensor - How It Works and Example Circuit With Code
35K Views, 12 Favorites
Alexa Curtain Control System - 3D Printable and Low Cost
21K Views, 119 Favorites
Arduino Robotic Bartender - 3D Printable & Bluetooth
73K Views, 389 Favorites
DIY - Battery Powered Hot Styrofoam Cutter
9.7K Views, 47 Favorites
Arduino Word Clock - Customisable and Easy to Build
8.6K Views, 108 Favorites
Automatic Drone Lap Timer - 3D Printed, Arduino Powered.
6.7K Views, 33 Favorites
BB8 Droid - Arduino | Remote Controlled | 3D Printed
41K Views, 237 Favorites